the ultimate in companionship
and teamwork. Taste the thrill
of competition. Join a Dog
Obedience Training Class and
participate in Dog Obedience
Trials. You and your dog
will enjoy the great fun and the
bond between you and your dog
will improve greatly.

Obedience Training (CGC)
of Dog Obedience Courses
- Basic
- Competition
Class Dog Obedience Training
For dog owners who want to
train their dogs beyond the
basic training and wish to
train their dogs for
competition can consider
joining the following
competition classes:-
- Pre
Novice Class
Pre Novice Class include
all the exercise in the
Basic Class but the
training focus on
precision and accuracy
in all exercise. In this
Pre Novice Class, the
come or recall command
will be trained off
leash from the distance
of 10 feet or more. Sit
Stay and Down Stay will
now be done off leash
from a distance of at
least 4 meters away.
- Graduation
Certificate for
those who pass the
Graduation Test
- Novice
Novice include all the
exercise in the Pre
Novice Class and Off
Leash Training is
introduce. Only one
command is allow in most
of the exercises such as
Stand Stay, Sit Stay,
Down Stay, Recall
- Graduation
Certificate for
those who pass the
Graduation Test
- Intermediate
In Intermediate
Class the extension of
Novice Class where
many new exercise are
introduced such as
fetch, distant control,
drop on recall, stand
for examination and
more. In the
Intermediate Class, dog
handler are trained to
use either hand or voice
command ( but not both )
- Graduation
Certificate for
those who pass the
Graduation Test
- Open
The open class is
the ultimate in dog
obedience training and
scent discrimination is
now introduced as one of
the exercise.
- Graduation
Certificate for
those who pass the
Graduation Test